100 Words | #9 Itinerary


Our holiday plans included sandy beaches, lovely and picturesque sunrises, reading and long walks, and gourmet food. But when you’re on vacation with a teething, hyperactive toddler, it’s a different ballgame altogether. We did not have a very strict itinerary to begin with, but it was tough to keep up even with our super relaxed schedule.

We saw a beach or two while we ran after the toddler who just refused to hold our hand and we took turns eating our gourmet food while the other person watched/entertained the little terror child.

As for watching the sunrise? Another time, maybe.

This post is a part of a weekly series.
Click Here to see Week 8 – H for Holiday (Previous Week’s Post)
Click here to read all 100 Words Posts.

In an effort to present myself with a creative challenge, yet take the pressure off and be regular, I’ve committed to myself to write a post with 100 words in the content every week. To make choosing the topic easier, I have assigned an alphabet to each week. For example, Week 1 (Jan 1-7) – A, Week 2 (Jan 8-14) – B, and so on. So in 52 weeks, the whole alphabet will be covered twice.
If you want to join in, feel free to write on any topic (you don’t need to adhere to A, B, C) and write any day of the week. The link will open every Monday, 8 AM IST and will be open till the following Monday, 7:55 AM IST

Button 100 Words- Week 9 with Mrs. Writes a Latte

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