100 Words | #8 Holiday


A holiday is supposed to be a break from routine. It is supposed to help you relax, take your mind off the everyday so that when you come back to reality, you are better prepared for the mundane.

Or at least enthusiastic about facing the daily rut for the first six or seven days.

But the Universe didn’t like it when I decided to take a break because it seemed like I was punished for daring to try to enjoy myself, be a wife first to my husband of five years.

We came back and the baby got chicken pox.

This post is a part of a weekly series.
Click Here to see Week 7 – G for Game (Previous Week’s Post)
Click here to read all 100 Words Posts.

In an effort to present myself with a creative challenge, yet take the pressure off and be regular, I’ve committed to myself to write a post with 100 words in the content every week. To make choosing the topic easier, I have assigned an alphabet to each week. For example, Week 1 (Jan 1-7) – A, Week 2 (Jan 8-14) – B, and so on. So in 52 weeks, the whole alphabet will be covered twice.
If you want to join in, feel free to write on any topic (you don’t need to adhere to A, B, C) and write any day of the week. The link will open every Monday, 8 AM IST and will be open till the following Monday, 7:55 AM IST.

Button 100 Words- Week 8 with Mrs. Writes a Latte

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